Interface AggregateOptions<T, TAttributes>

Options used for Model.aggregate

Type Parameters



benchmark?: boolean

Pass query execution time in milliseconds as second argument to logging function (options.logging).

Either an object of named parameter bindings in the format $param or an array of unnamed values to bind to $1, $2, etc in your SQL.

dataType?: string | T

The type of the result. If attribute being aggregated is a defined in the Model, the default will be the type of that attribute, otherwise defaults to a plain JavaScript number.

distinct?: boolean

Applies DISTINCT to the field being aggregated over

fieldMap?: FieldMap

Map returned fields to arbitrary names for SELECT query type if options.fieldMaps is present.

instance?: Model<any, any>

A sequelize instance used to build the return instance

logging?: boolean | ((sql: string, timing?: number) => void)

A function that gets executed while running the query to log the sql.

mapToModel?: boolean

Map returned fields to model's fields if options.model or options.instance is present. Mapping will occur before building the model instance.

nest?: boolean

If true, transforms objects with . separated property names into nested objects using dottie.js. For example { 'user.username': 'john' } becomes { user: { username: 'john' }}. When nest is true, the query type is assumed to be 'SELECT', unless otherwise specified



paranoid?: boolean

If true, only non-deleted records will be returned. If false, both deleted and non-deleted records will be returned.

Only applies if paranoid is true for the model.



plain?: boolean

Sets the query type to SELECT and return a single row

raw?: boolean

If true, sequelize will not try to format the results of the query, or build an instance of a model from the result

replacements?: BindOrReplacements

Either an object of named parameter replacements in the format :param or an array of unnamed replacements to replace ? in your SQL.

retry?: RetryOptions
transaction?: null | Transaction

The transaction in which this query must be run.

If CLS is enabled and a transaction is running in the current CLS context, that transaction will be used, unless null or a Transaction is manually specified here.

type?: string

The type of query you are executing. The query type affects how results are formatted before they are passed back. The type is a string, but Sequelize.QueryTypes is provided as convenience shortcuts.

useMaster?: boolean

Force the query to use the write pool, regardless of the query type.



where?: WhereOptions<TAttributes>

The WHERE clause. Can be many things from a hash of attributes to raw SQL.

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